
“合势启航 跃动未来” 2024 合肥国际创新生态合作峰会 暨璞跃中国科大硅谷创新中心开园仪式 HEFEI INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION SUMMIT

Fri, 26 Apr 2024 08:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:00:00 GMT+08


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    在全球经济一体化和科技创新日新月异的背景下,合肥市凭借其独特的科技资源和活跃的创业氛围,正迅速成为全球创新者的聚焦点。2024年,得益于安徽省及合肥市人民政府的大力支持,璞跃中国联合科大硅谷和合肥高新区,共同打造璞跃(科大硅谷)国际科技产业协同创新中心。与此同时,璞跃 (Plug and Play)依托硅谷全球总部,合作设立“科大硅谷”硅谷海外创新中心,搭建国际交流合作的桥梁。



    In the context of global economic integration and rapid technological progress, Hefei has become a hub for international innovators, celebrated for its exceptional tech resources and entrepreneurial spirit. In 2024, Plug and Play China, in collaboration with the Grand Union of Innovation (GUI) and Hefei High-tech Zone, will establish the Plug and Play Hefei Innovation Center and will host the 2024 Hefei International Innovation Summit on April 26th. Themed "Synergizing Potentials, Propelling the Future," the summit aims to foster global perspectives, international synergy, technological innovation, and collaborative success.

    Participants in the summit will have the opportunity to experience Hefei‘s technological innovation strength jointly exploring cutting-edge technology, investment, and new models of international cooperation. We sincerely invite your participation to promote the internationalization of innovation development in Hefei, strengthen international cooperation, and contribute wisdom and strength to the sustainable development of the global economy.


    关于璞跃中国  About Plug and Play China

    璞跃(Plug and Play)是全球历史悠久、覆盖广泛的科技孵化器和科技创新平台。起源于硅谷,拥有50多个全球创新中心和20多年的科创经验。璞跃曾孵化Google,投资PayPal、Dropbox等巨头,每年投资200多家科技公司。璞跃中国自2016年成立,在北京、上海等地设立创新中心,构建一站式科技投资和孵化平台,联接160多家大企业、14000多家创业公司等,年均孵化1000余家初创公司,促进近500项技术转化。

    了解更多信息请访问 www.pnpchina.com

    Plug and Play is a globally recognized technology incubator and innovation platform with a wide reach and history. Originating in Silicon Valley, it has over 50 global innovation centers and over 20 years of experience in tech incubation. It has nurtured Google and invested in giants like PayPal and Dropbox, investing in over 200 tech firms annually. Established in 2016, Plug and Play China operates innovation hubs in Beijing, Shanghai, and beyond, offering a comprehensive tech investment and incubation platform, connecting over 160 large enterprises, over 14,000 startups, and facilitating the incubation of over 1,000 startups yearly, and nearly 500 technology transformation cases.

    For more information, please visit www.pnpchina.com

    交通路线 Transportation Directions 



    Car or Self-Driving: For navigation, set your destination to the Zhong An Chuang Gu Technology Park Global Roadshow Center. It is approximately a 25-minute drive from Xinqiao Airport, about 35 minutes from Hefei South Railway Station, and about 40 minutes from Hefei Railway Station.

    Subway: Take the Line 4 subway to Hefei No. 7 Middle School Station, exit from Exit A, and walk 500 meters in the northwest direction.


    04.联系方式 Contact Us

    详情可咨询:Anthony 132-3402-3429

    合作请联系:Rebecca 139-0282-0623

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    璞跃中国 Plug and Play China

    璞跃中国 Plug and Play China

    璞跃(Plug and Play)是全球历史最悠久和区域及行业覆盖最广的科技孵化器之一,也是全球知名的科技创新生态平台。璞跃发源于硅谷,在全球布局了50多座创新中心,拥有20余年的科创投资、产业科技服务、科技孵化经验,公司曾成功早期孵化了Google,投资了PayPal、Dropbox等多家科技巨头公司,在全球每年投资超过200家科技公司。璞跃致力于在全球寻找、孵化、加速、投资、推广早期硬科技公司和项目,同时在全球与戴姆勒、松下、西门子、中外运、东风等500余家行业龙头企业开展基于其创新需求和文化生态的开放式创新合作和实践。

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